Radio PodCasts
Now, Shofar Ministries is being broadcast on radio 1220am whkw Cleveland Tuesday evenings at 8:00pm EST.
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NEW! Sparrow by: John Bartlett
- WHKW-01-02-10
Is Jesus God? Part 2 (listen to part 1 from 12-26-09 first) - WHKW-01-09-10
Sanctification - WHKW-01-23-10
The Symbols of God (Emblems, Banners) Ezek 1:9, Rev 4:7 - WHKW-01-30-10
2nd Thessalonians Chapter Two, Revealing the Man of Sin. - WHKW-02-06-10
Deception - WHKW-02-20-10
The book of Esther,Purim - WHKW-03-06-10
In that Day - WHKW-03-13-10
Passover - WHKW-03-20-10
Spring Feasts part2. - WHKW-03-27-10
Spring Feasts part3. - WHKW-04-03-10
Spring Feasts conclusion. - WHKW-04-10-10
Math.24:29-31 - WHKW-04-17-10
Jn.6:39 ;Jn.11:24-26 (The Last Day) - WHKW-04-24-10
Debunking the anti pre-tribulation rapturists - WHKW-05-01-10
The Two Resurrections - WHKW-05-08-10
Messianics and the Rapture. - WHKW-05-15-10
Israels Two Upcoming Wars (compare Psalm 83 with Ezek 38) - WHKW-05-22-10
More on Psalm 83 and The Fourth Fulfilled Appointment - WHKW-05-29-10
Who are the people of Edom? - WHKW-06-12-10
Psalm 83 - WHKW-06-19-10
Scientific Evidence for the Bible's Validity - WHKW-06-26-10
Encore Presentation, In that Day - WHKW-07-03-10
Psalm 90 - WHKW-07-10-10
1Timothy 2:8
Lifting Up Holy Hands - WHKW-07-17-10
Deut 6:4-9
Mezuzah - WHKW-07-24-10
Rev 1-3
The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches. Part 1 - WHKW-07-31-10
Rev 1-3
Encore Presentation 07-24-10 The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches.Part 1 - WHKW-08-07-10
Mathew 13 The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches.Part 2 - WHKW-08-14-10
Mathew 13 and Rev 1-3
The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches. Part3 Conclusion - WHKW-08-21-10
Dan 9:24-27 The Amazing Prophecies of Daniel - WHKW-08-28-10
Dan 9:24-27 The Amazing Prophecies of Daniel Recap and Part2 - WHKW-09-11-10
Days of Awe - WHKW-09-18-10
Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement - WHKW-10-23-10
UFO’s, Iran, Hebrew Language restored - WHKW-11-20-10
The Ethnicity of the anti-christ - WHKW-12-05-10
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